Hearing Devices & Earlens

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There are three basic styles of hearing aids. The styles differ by size, their placement on or inside the ear, and the degree to which they amplify sound.  Determining which style is best for the individual depends on both the severity of the hearing loss and the patient’s lifestyle.

Conventional Hearing Devices

There are three basic styles of conventional hearing aids that vary in size, placement and degree of amplification. Determining which style is best for the individual depends on the severity of the hearing loss.


Alta2 BTE w/ Ear Hook

Behind The Ear (BTE)

These hearing aids are worn behind the ear and connected to a plastic mold that is placed inside the outer ear. They are utilized by individuals with mild to profound hearing loss. New technology has introduced a smaller BTE aid consisting of only a small tube placed into the ear canal. This has the advantages of keeping the canal open and protecting the device from damage due to wax buildup. This smaller BTE also provides a clearer sound.



Custom Line Up




In The Ear (ITE)

These hearing aids are smaller devices that fit inside the outer ear. They can be used for mild to severe hearing loss but are not typically used for children since they will be quickly outgrown.

Receiver In The Ear (RITE or miniRITE)

Alta2 - IIC

           Alta2 – IIC


Canal aids are the smallest type of aid and fit either in the canal, ITC, or completely in the canal, CIC. Because canal aids are so small, they may be hard to adjust and have very limited space for batteries and other devices. Canal aids, therefore, are most frequently recommended for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss.

We also provide hearing accessories such as remotes and streamers, including wireless technology.

An AuD is holding a popular style hearing aid,called a miniRITE, during an info session for the staff

Hearing Aid

Insurance Coverage and Hearing Aids

Some Insurance Companies have hearing aid coverage. We will call and verify your individual coverage before your appointment date so there are no suprises.


Please click on the Video links below:

Earlens Mechanism of Action video

Earlens sound Comparison_Video

To learn more about our services contact our office directly 850-889-4550 .